You may download the source tar ball or the RPM. The RPM
has been tested on RedHat 7.x machines but if you're using
something else, you're probably better off downloading the
source RPM (doing an 'rpm --rebuild
moxy-X.X-X.src.rpm' then installing the resulting moxy-X.X.X-YYY.rpm).
I'd appreciate any info concerning compatibility
or if anyone would be interested in testing or creating RPMs for other
The latest version is 0.1-3
Previous releases are available
You may also choose to use the source tarball. In this case,
the usual ./configure; make ; make
install will work.
More interestingly though, you can create an RPM from the
source, using the script. Here's how:
tar zxvf moxy-X.X-X.tar.gz
cd moxy-X.X-X
./configure; make; make install
If you try Moxy and find bugs, get it compiled on something
other than a Linux x86 box, would like to see some special
feature included or are simply satisfied with the results,
please use the sourceforge
interface or
email me and let me know.
The Moxy package is free software; you can redistribute
Moxy and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See the COPYING file or the GNU website for information concerning the GPL.